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David Piccinati David Piccinati

Obesity Pillars: 30 Obesity Myths

The Obesity Medicine Association (OMA) released their list of 30 obesity myths, misconceptions and/or oversimplifications¹. The list is pretty long but has some great details and explanations.

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David Piccinati David Piccinati

Water Intake and Obesity

Water intake and obesity. What the data does and does not demonstrate and why you should consider increasing your water intake…kind of…

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David Piccinati David Piccinati

Association ≠ Causation

Correlation (Association) is NOT the same thing as Causation. Why you should read careful, objectively, and always check out the source data.

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Recommended Reads

Dr. Piccinati here. I hope you have enjoyed and learned something from the posts above. Please let me know if there is anything specific you would like me to discuss. Also, since I am an open book and try to practice what I preach, below is a link to my personal MyNetDiary nutrition/health tracking data. I have been tracking (almost everything) for the last couple of years and do my best to keep it up to date.

Dr. Piccinati's MyNetDiary Page