Medicine, tailored to you as an individual.

Precision medicine is an emerging approach for disease treatment and prevention that takes into account individual variability in genes, environment, and lifestyle for each person. This approach allows us to predict more accurately which treatment and medication strategies will work best for you.

It is in contrast to a one-size-fits-all approach, in which programs are developed for the average person, without consideration of the differences between individuals.

Precision Medicine in Obesity

In conjunction with physicians and researchers at the Mayo Clinic, we developed an outpatient protocol to stratify obesity into four phenotypes. We then recommend medications and lifestyle modifications targeted from these results.

 What is a phenotype anyway???

A phenotype is an individual's observable traits, such as height, eye color, and blood type. The genetic contribution to the phenotype is called the genotype. There are 4 phenotypes for obesity. They are as follows:

 How does it work?

  • Our protocol, created in conjunction with Mayo Clinic physicians and researchers, utilizes a specific meal plan over a day. We provide you the complete kit to accomplish this easily in the comfort of your own home. Your data is collected during this time and returned to your physician for interpretation.

  • We analyze your information. From this, we can best predict which phenotype you most closely match.

  • We discuss your results. This opens up a large conversation regarding precision directed medication and lifestyle modification options.

  • We then prescribe a FDA approved medication for weight loss that has been shown to have the greatest success with your particular phenotype. Our physicians will review this medication with you to be sure it is safe and appropriate for you as an individual.

  • Get ready to start finally finding success and sustainability in your health and weight goals. This process allows us to target not only medications but also lifestyle modifications to help you obtain lasting and sustainable wellness goals.

Well that’s super cool!

Science is great!