At Premier Weight Solutions, we strive to keep all aspects of our program transparent. This includes membership pricing and costs.


  • Premier Health

    Who this is for: The individual who wants very detailed and frequent guidance. Those that have relatively less health and wellness experience.

  • Core Health

    Who this is for: If you already have some experience with nutrition and activity interventions but are ready to incorporate medical weight loss into your plan.

  • Telehealth Basic

    Who this is for: The individual that is already health and wellness savvy. You already have a plan for your activity, nutrition, sleep, mental health but need some extra help to reach your goals.



Medication Costs

Most FDA approved medications for weight loss are not covered by insurance. This does mean an extra out-of-pocket expense in addition to the above subscription cost.

Keeping this in mind, there are several medication options with cost savings programs. This means a MAXIMUM cost of $99 a month for those specific medications. Others can be as much as $1400 a month.

  • If you have other medical conditions, such as Diabetes, we can likely get your medications covered by insurance.

See our Precision Medicine page for further discussion on how we choose medications.

Additional Add-ons

  • Add-On Physician Visits

    Although we feel confident the allocated times will be appropriate, sometimes you may want something more. Approximate 30 minute add-on visits if desired.

  • Health Partner Consultations

    If you are looking for some extra guidance from a Registered Dietitian, Personal Trainer or Therapist we have you covered. We have formed relationships with practitioners in the community that we trust.

    This is in addition to those not already included in the 6 month or 12 months committments.

  • Technology Package

    Your at home biometric solution. This includes a Withings Body+ Scale and BPM Connect blood pressure monitor. These devices integrate with our recommended Nutrition Tracker so you never have to manually sync a thing.

    We get a provider discount and pass these saving on to you.

  • Extra Labs

    We already include the cost of basic labs we need to assess safety and track progress. These will be done once a year.

    Our normal panel is a $110 value. If you want something extra we can easily accomplish this and will only charge you our costs. Nothing extra!

Are you kidding? That’s cheaper than my plumber!

Sign me up!